9th Hydration for Health Annual Scientific Conference
Proceedings report of the 9th Hydration for Health Conference

Every year the Annual Hydration For Health Scientific Conference publish its proceeding, a collection of scientific articles by the speakers of this edition.
Access below the publications from the 2017 Hydration For Health conference.

Hydration for Health Conference Emphasizes Vasopressin and Kidney Diseases
Armstrong L.E.
Ann Nutr Metab 2018;72(suppl 2):1–2 (DOI:10.1159/000488122)
The multiple roles of vasopressin

Vasopressin and the Regulation of Thirst
Bichet D.G.
Ann Nutr Metab 2018;72(suppl 2):3–7 (DOI:10.1159/000488233)
Kidney Inflammation and Diseases

Prevention of Cystitis: Travelling between the Imaginary and Reality
Vecchio M. · Iroz A. · Seksek I.
Ann Nutr Metab 2018;72(suppl 2):8–10 (DOI:10.1159/000488224)

Novel Proinflammatory Function of Renal Intercalated Cells
Breton S. · Brown D.
Ann Nutr Metab 2018;72(suppl 2):11–16 (DOI:10.1159/000488303)

Vasopressin and Diabetic Kidney Disease
El Boustany R.
Ann Nutr Metab 2018;72(suppl 2):17–20 (DOI:10.1159/000488124)

The Vasopressin System in the Risk of Diabetes and Cardiorenal Disease, and Hydration as a Potential Lifestyle Intervention
Enhörning S. · Melander O.
Ann Nutr Metab 2018;72(suppl 2):21–27 (DOI:10.1159/000488304)

Improving Global Kidney Health: International Society of Nephrology Initiatives and the Global Kidney Health Atlas
Levin A.
Ann Nutr Metab 2018;72(suppl 2):28–32 (DOI:10.1159/000488123)
Young Researcher Awards Participants

Osmoregulation in Polycystic Kidney Disease: Relationship with Cystogenesis and Hypertension
Underwood C.F. · Phillips J.K. · Hildreth C.M.
Ann Nutr Metab 2018;72(suppl 2):33–38 (DOI:10.1159/000488125)
Young Researcher Award Abstract

Young Researcher Award Abstracts
Ann Nutr Metab 2018;72:39–44 (DOI:10.1159/000488308)