« Make healthy hydration the new norm »

Pourquoi les enfants ont-ils besoin d'eau?

By Dr. Jeanne Bottin

Recorded on 23/06/2017


About the speaker

Jeanne Bottin is a hydration physiology scientist at Danone Nutricia Research, France, where she leads the research on the importance of hydration for children. She earned her MS in food science with a specialization in human nutrition and biology from AgroParisTech, France and her PhD in Nutrition and Endocrinology from Imperial College London, UK. During the clinical research of her doctoral thesis focusing on appetite regulation in overweight, obese, and bariatric patients, she acquired experience in conducting clinical trials in the fields of nutrition, obesity, metabolism, body composition and dietary intake assessment, and behavior change. She has an interest in public health and worked in Nigeria on a research project investigating the role of nutritional supplementation on growth and cognitive development in children.

About the talk

Water is the most abundant component of the body and is an essential macronutrient, crucial to many functions. In children, maintaining adequate fluid intake and hydration is of specific importance not only for physiological reasons but also for the adoption of healthy sustainable drinking habits. Assessing hydration in children is especially relevant since children, especially younger ones, often depend upon adults and institutions for the provision of water.